Friday, 3 July 2015

Your life purpose is closer than you think!

Lots of people ask me what their purpose is in life. 

The earthly plane is about learning and growing; from people and events, nature, spiritual development and how we deal with our own journey. Every day we see, feel and engage in everything that life has to offer, but do we truly learn or are we just ambling along?

In my readings and teachings, as with other people in our field, we make you look to your depths as well as your heights. At some point in our life we must ask ourselves 'Do I conduct myself right in society?’ ‘Do I live with truth?’ ‘Do I show empathy and love to others regardless of their creed or colour?’ ‘Do I try to find the best (not the worst) in all people and aim to understand where they are on their journey?’ ‘Is money and career a part of my life or the only thing?’ If you can answer these questions you are already well on the way to living your true purpose, and are halfway to knowing who you really are including being at peace with yourself and loving the skin you are in. 

Every life experience you encounter whether good or not so good can lead you to your true fate. Don’t blindly follow the mainstream, this has always lead us into problems (wars, financial chaos and depression). When you say your prayers, give a thought to our world and environment too. Are the hungry being fed, is the wealth of the world on an equal plane, are young and old people alike protected and cherished

When we love who we are all of the doors will be opened and we will see our path and purpose with clarity. John F Kennedy once said it’s not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country (and the world). If we would only slow down and watch nature, we would truly learn so much and the world would be a better place.